Sunday, September 16, 2007
Prizes for Babies
Win a prize? What a wonderful reason for having a child! Hm... I'm reminded vaguely of 1984's concept of service to your country....
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Big Jones Energy Drink Review
Official Site: Jones Soda
As a huge fan of Jones Soda, I expected the tastiness the company generally offers in its drinks to transfer to their energy drink offering. Instead, I was greeted by a head-jerkingly bad taste. I could barely down the bitter concoction enough to write the review. No amount of energy could compensate for the nastiness of the drink itself.
Summary: Don't drink unless you want your taste buds burned off.
Final Score: 1 out of 5
Big Nick
Friday, July 13, 2007
Monster M-80 Energy Juice Drink Review
Official Site: Monster Energy
Monster M-80 seems to have the same generic flavor of other energy juice blends. Though somewhat sweet with a hint of passion fruit, the classic energy drink aftertaste just drags the whole ensemble down.
Summary: Like every other energy juice I've had.
Final Score: 3 out of 5
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Peanut Butter Turned Into Diamonds
Quick Summary:
- To create a diamond, scientists at Edinburgh University squeeze the peanut butter between the tips of two diamonds at pressure harder than that at the center of the earth.
- Since peanut butter is a carbon containing material, it can be converted into the hard carbon structure of a diamond.
- Small red crystals can be made from oxygen by using the same method.
My $0.02: Welcome to alchemy in the 21st century.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Frappio Espresso Latte Energy
Official Site: Frappio- Home
The makers of Frappio obviously didn't believe in adding sugar to their drink. No sweetness can be detected in the espresso latte flavor. I'm quick to admit I'm not a huge fan of coffee. Frappio could likely be very appealing for a segment of the drinking population which wants a different sort of caffeine fix. However, the taste is unlikely to appeal to anyone beside hard-core coffee drinkers.
Summary: Only for those who love their coffee bitter and black.
Final Score: 3 out of 5
Friday, June 22, 2007
Cocaine Energy Drink Review

Official Site:
Cocaine, the much publicized concoction, is yet another energy drink which relies on its name appeal to attract drinkers rather than providing a decent flavor. The mixture tastes like a combination of strawberry pop mixed with black pepper. Just taking the first swig is nearly unbearable as the hot smell invades your nose. The only redeeming quality is the energy provided. The fire burns a new life within you and somehow managed to clear my sinuses.
Summary: Not the high I expected.
Final Score: 2 out of 5
Image Soure: Me, as is obvious by the washer machine in the background.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Clamato Energia Energy Drink Review
Official Site: Clamato
Upon opening Clamato's can, the sickening smell of bouillon cubes floats out in overpowering waves. I should listen to my sense of smell. Clamato's indecript vegetable blend is an intolerable swill. I couldn't even drink enough to rate the energy factor.
Summary: Don't drink unless you love the taste of V8.
Final Score: 1 out 5
Squirrel Gone Wild
Quick Summary:
- A squirrel ran into a house in Passau, a town in Germany, where he attacked a 70-year-old woman, biting her hand.
- The woman ran into the street in fear with the squirrel still biting her hand. She managed to fling it off.
- The animal then entered a building site where it leapt onto a construction worker who fought the creature off with a measuring pole.
- The squirrel then entered the garden of a 72-year-old man and attacked.
- The man killed the squirrel with his crutch, stopping the rampage.
- Local authorities say the attack was likely due to mating season aggression or sickness in the squirrel.
My $0.02: Due to mating aggression? Well, then:
Squirrel-a-licious definition make them boys go crazies!
They run about biting like they have rabies!
It's the B to the I to the T, I, N, and G,
and can't no other squirrel chomp down like me!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Possible Powdered Alcohol for Minors
Quick Summary:
- 5 Dutch students made powdered alcohol for their final-year project at Helicon Devotional Institute.
- When water is added, the powder becomes a bubbly lime drink with 3% alcohol content.
- The drink could be sold to minors since it is in a powdered form.
- Booz2Go, as the concoction is called, comes in packets of 20 g and costs between $1.60 to $2.45.
My $0.02: I can already hear the distant din of religious groups and political activists rising up to protect 'traditional family values.'
Friday, May 25, 2007
Orange County Choppers Energy Drink Review
Official Site: The Teutels must be trying to disown it since I couldn't find a promotional site.
Banking on its reputation, the show Orange County Choppers now has its only own energy drink. You'll want to wedge your size 12 shoe in the side of the can at the first sip as the unidentifiable mutant flavor hits your tongue. The only slightly redeeming factor is the energy factor, but it cannot compensate for this poor product which rides on its brand name.
Summary: You'll want to speed away from this drink.
Final Score: 2 out of 5
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Canada Reveals C$1,000,000 Coin
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Jeff Gordon 24 Energy Drink
Official Site: Not available
NASCAR's champion, Jeff Gordon, should be proud to have his name attached to such a drink. Though I am typically wary of orange energy drinks, Jeff Gordon 24 zoomed onto my taste buds with a rich orange tangerine flavor. The drink flat-out outraces other non-promotional drinks on the market. With 75 mg of caffeine per serving, there's nothing to hate about Jeff Gordon 24.
Summary: Fuel the red-neck within.
Final Score: 5 out of 5
Friday, April 20, 2007
Tasty Tongue
Quick Summary:
- During a passionate kiss, an Israeli woman accidentally bit her boyfriend's tongue off.
- A local hospital managed to reattach his tongue.
- The man was advised to "avoid wet kisses" after being discharged from the hospital.
My $0.02: I'm suprised the woman didn't swallow the piece of tongue in shock. And... Good God, what kind of making out were they doing?
Saturday, April 14, 2007
The Nerd Test Evaluation Report
You probably own more surge protectors than cooking utensils.
Taking tests like this is probably the only way you can score.
You might consider bringing your laptop out of doors for some fresh air.
You don't seem to have any skills whatsoever.
You would probably enjoy being a BOFH..
I've taken a good number of nerd and geek tests but this is the first to give me such a... thorough evaluation. Check it out at Nerd Test.
Friday, April 06, 2007
SoBe Essential Berry Pomegranate Review
Official Site: SoBe Bev: Essential Information
Clad in a bland white can and preaching "better-for-you energy," SoBeEssential can easily be mistaken for a diet drink. However, don't be put off by the presentation. The lightly carbonated concoction, though not exactly tasting like berry or pomegranate, is quite pleasing to the palate. The energy factor is about as good as most drinks on the market, giving SoBe Essential Berry Pomegranate a solid ranking.
Summary: Refreshingly simple taste.
Final Score: 4 out of 5
Thursday, March 22, 2007
How Many People Have Your Name? | ||
Always good to note a lack of originality in your name...
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Senior Citizen Sex Discount
Yep, another German story. Full article here.
Quick Summary:
- The "Pascha," a brothel in Cologne, is offering a 50% discount to patrons over 66.
- The reduced rate is between midday and 5:00 pm everyday.
- The brothel is trying to establish itself with a new client basis.
My $0.02: Well... Senior citizens probably aren't as much work, so they might be worth the discount.
Monday, March 12, 2007
House Sliced in Half
Quick Summary:
- A 43-year-old mason from Sonneberg decided to settle his imminent divorce.
- He chainsawed through the wooden roof and walls of the single-story house.
- Afterward, he picked up one half and carried it to his brother's house where he is currently staying.
My $0.02: Well... After a divorce you do divide things in half...
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Blox Original Energy Drink Review
Official Site: InDrinks
In contrast to its tainted orange cousin, Blox original is a surprisingly good after-taste free flavor, though the overall affect is a bit dilute. It is the drink incarnation of a Blue Raspberry Tootsie Roll Pop. The energy factor is good enough for a decent kick.
Summary: The original is always the best.
Final Score: 4 out of 5
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Color Struck
Quick Summary:
- The study manipulated variables in orange juice.
- Brand name could influence a person's preference in taste between cups.
- Labeling the juice as either 'premium' or 'store brand' had no affect on the results.
- Color had the biggest effect on taste perception.
- When given a regular cup of Tropicana and one dyed to a darker color, the test subjects tasted a non-present difference.
- When given cups of orange juice the same color with one having an extra cup of sugar, the people could not taste the difference.
My $0.02: Interesting implications, interesting implications... Perhaps people are loyal to one brand over the other because of coloring? Also, could the finding of the research help people on diets? If companies color food items more brightly for diet food, then perhaps the people will perceive the taste as being better than without coloring.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Blox Orange Rush Energy Drink Review
Official Site: InDrinks
As one of my friends said, Blox Orange Rush "smells like pissed out orange juice." The scent is a warning sign for the taste of the liquid inside. The watered down flavor is similar to that of Hansen's Energade with orange rind and stale Alkaseltzer tablets added to the mix (Don't ask me how I know what orange rinds and stale Alkaseltzer tablets taste like...). An oddly grainy taste taints the whole thing. In addition to a bad taste, the drink delivers little energy.
Summary: The only rush you'll want to give this drink is away from it.
Final Score: 2 out of 5
Oh, and thanks for the inspiration Lauren. ~_^
Friday, February 02, 2007
History of Groundhog Day
Quick Summary:
My $0.02: Though the holiday is silly, animals can be quite perceptive. The ancients were wise to observe their behavior.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Caffeinated Doughnuts!
Quick Summary:
- Doctor Robert Bohannon from Durham, North Carolina has developed a method of adding caffeine to baked goods such as pastries without a bitter flavor.
- A single pastry has the amount of caffeine in a two cups of coffee.
My $0.02: Tasty... Goodness... Can they make a doughnut that tastes like Amp...? I would love it...
Monday, January 22, 2007
Beer for Dogs
Quick Summary:
- A pet shop owner in Zelhem created a beer for dogs with beef extract and malt.
- The drink, labeled Kwispelbier, was introduced to the market last week at about $2.14 per bottle.
- The nonalcholic drink is perfectly suitable for human consumption.
Friday, January 19, 2007
PS3 Grill
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Pen Without Ink
Friday, January 05, 2007
Mi Jam Guitar Review
Official Site: B2 Stuff mi Jam Guitar
With the success of RedOctane's Guitar Hero, imitators were bound to follow. Mi Jam is one of them. It advertises the ability to play along with your favorite songs on your mp3 player or computer. In reality, the mi Jam only allows you to play dissonant notes which in no way mesh
with the song you're listening to.
Even though I didn't expect the sound quality to be too great, the mi Jam Guitar's sounds are ridiculous caricatures of the real sounds possible. Though the mi Jam Guitar has four sounds settings, rock, heavy metal, blues, and bass, all are just plain horribly off. Also, the four keys to press for each setting make the exact same noise. Even the whammy bar adds little depth to the notes. I can hardly play the guitar and what I can do has better sound and range than this device.
The only good aspect of the mi Jam Guitar is its design. It has a very clean look to it and feel very quite nice in your hands. The blue lights on it are also a nice touch.
The mi Jam Guitar retails between $30 and $40. However, this gimmicky thing isn't even worth that much. Go get a copy of Guitar Hero or even a really cheap actual guitar and have a considerably better time.
Summary: Definitely not my thing of choice to jam out with.
Final Score: 1 out of 5
Monday, January 01, 2007
PS3 Sales
13 PS3s just sitting on Best Buy's floor waiting to be bought!
I watched in dismay as people walked by the consoles in the front of the store without paying them any heed. Without paying any heed to item I had nearly frozen for. Without paying any heed to the item I had gone without sleep waiting for for more than 24 hours. Without... you get the point.
However, if I was Sony, I would be scared in addition to sickened. The company is already taking a loss on each console. Not being sold out in stores at this point is a bad sign this early in the console war game.
However, I did note all of the Wiis were out of stock.